Right Where You Left Me


Between her uncertain relationship with her mother and the dangerous nature of her father’s work, Charlotte dreads the thought of her father leaving. His traveling has always been hard on Charlotte and her mother, especially considering the fact that he visits the aftermaths of terrifying natural disasters. When her father leaves again, Charlotte’s worst fears are realized: her father has been kidnapped by terrorists who have been wreaking havoc in the lawless time of chaos after the earthquake he’s visiting. Charlotte will do anything to get her father home, even if it means breaking a promise. But will she go as far as breaking the law?


Right Where You Left Me is a meaningful, heartfelt tale of grief and family. It has mild romance elements woven into the story alongside the suspense and the San Francisco setting. I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy reading about interesting family dynamics. I hope you enjoy Right Where You Left Me by Calla Devlin as much as I did!


  • Ages 13 and up
  • Author: Calla Devlin
  • 245 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy for $15.99 here

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