2021 Reading Wrap-Up

2021 is over, and it is now 2022, which feels very weird to say! I read a lot of fantastic books in 2021, and even though I read a lot less than last year, I will say that it has still been a great year of reading. To compare and contrast with last year’s reading wrap-up, I have all the same stats, and I will again be reflecting on what I read in 2021 and sharing my reading goals for the new year.

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2020 Reading Wrap-Up

2020 has been a crazy year… and I’ve read more books than ever before and started my bookstagram account! So I have a lot of fun stuff to reflect on in this post, from reading stats to favourite reads. And I am aware that I’m a couple days late to the 2020 wrap-up post party but better late than never I guess! I’ve also added some of my goals for next year. I hope you enjoy this reading wrap-up and happy new year!

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