Murder Mysteries for Every Kind of Mystery-Lover

Recently I’ve been reading quite a few books from one of my favourite genres: mystery. Murder mystery, to be exact. So, I thought I’d share some murder mysteries for every type of reader, featuring a variety of mystery subgenres!

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Popular/Hyped Books: Are They Worth Your Time?

*This blog post has been edited to remove HP related content and references, as I no longer support JKR*

I’ve always found that, at least for me, my favourite books haven’t been particularly well-known. I’ve also read a fair amount of very popular and hyped (some might say over-hyped) books. Some of them have let me down. Now of course, on my blog I only write positive book reviews, because I don’t find negative ones very helpful or productive, because what I like isn’t necessarily the same as what another reader likes. But, for today I’m going to list ten popular books that I think are worth your time, and two that I wish I’d skipped.

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10 of the Best Middle Grade and Young Adult Books You’ve Never Heard Of

As a reader, of course, I’ve read all the ‘must-read’ young adult and middle grade books. The Fault in Our StarsThe Hunger Games, and Divergent, to name a few. But I’ve always found that the books I treasure most dearly are the lesser-known book, and I always encourage my friends to reach beyond the horizons of highly popular tomes. So whether you’re looking for something different because you’ve read all the popular YA or middle grade books, or if you prefer books off the beaten track, here are 10 of the best middle grade and young adult books you’ve never heard of.

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Middle Grade Monday: February/March Edition

Welcome back! For this edition of Middle Grade Monday, there really isn’t a theme or central idea connecting the featured books, so just enjoy these fantastic books. I hope you enjoy!

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Middle Grade Monday: February/March Edition

Hi everyone and welcome back to Sidbookreviews! As you may know, international women’s day takes place on March 8th, so I’ve picked books with strong female leads for this edition of Middle Grade Monday.

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Ethan is just trying to get through the school year. With his constantly tired, down on his luck comic book illustrator father, at times frustrating younger sister and classmates throwing more at Ethan than he can handle, Ethan really needs a friend. Inkling is a blot of ink, somehow magically gifted with Ethan’s father’s creativity.

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Dear George Clooney, Please Marry My Mom Book Review


Violet’s father may have abandoned her family, but that is absolutely no excuse for Violet’s mother to date sub-par men with horrendous names such as Dudley Wiener. That’s what Violet thinks, anyway. So, along with her best friend Phoebe, Violet sets out to land her mother the perfect guy: George Clooney himself.

Continue reading Dear George Clooney, Please Marry My Mom Book Review