2021 Reading Wrap-Up

2021 is over, and it is now 2022, which feels very weird to say! I read a lot of fantastic books in 2021, and even though I read a lot less than last year, I will say that it has still been a great year of reading. To compare and contrast with last year’s reading wrap-up, I have all the same stats, and I will again be reflecting on what I read in 2021 and sharing my reading goals for the new year.

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Sheets Book Review


Marjorie Glatt is fading away. The stress of running her family’s laundromat entirely by herself, fending off a sleazy businessman, grieving the loss of her mother and navigating the trials of middle school is too much for one thirteen-year-old girl.

Wendell, on the other hand, is a ghost. Purposeless and lonely in the Land of Ghosts, Wendell is intrigued by the land of the living, particularly a certain laundromat.

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Tremendous Things Book Review


After a terribly embarrassing middle school career, Wilbur Nuñez-Knopf has barely escaped with a shred of dignity. Hopefully, high school will be a fresh start! Of course, things never turn out exactly as planned, especially with the same bullies still lurking around and his friend Alex distracted by his new boyfriend Fabrizio. At least Wilbur has his elderly neighbour, and unofficial best friend Sal to confide in, and an exchange trip with band students from Paris coming up.

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From The Library: August/September Edition

Welcome back to another edition of From the Library, where I share some older (or sometimes newer) books from my review archives! This month, even though September and the start of school are nearing, I wanted to share some amazing summer reads! These are all set in the summer and perfect for reading on a hot day on vacation or at home.

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Cover Art: 6 of My Favourites and Why

Welcome back to Sidbookreviews! Today I want to talk about cover art! As the saying goes, never judge a book by its cover, but I have never really followed that rule. Some covers are just too pretty to pass up! So today I wanted to share a few of my favourite cover designs and why I love them!

Continue reading Cover Art: 6 of My Favourites and Why

When Life Gives You Mangos Book Review


Clara doesn’t remember what happened last summer. All she knows is that there was a storm, and before last summer she wasn’t afraid of the water. Clara used to love her summers with the other kids in her small village, when she spent her days surfing, playing games on the hill and the beach and eating mangos. But now everything is different. There’s a new girl in town, her best friend Gaynah hates her, and she can’t bear to go to the beach, let alone into the water.

Continue reading When Life Gives You Mangos Book Review

2020 Reading Wrap-Up

2020 has been a crazy year… and I’ve read more books than ever before and started my bookstagram account! So I have a lot of fun stuff to reflect on in this post, from reading stats to favourite reads. And I am aware that I’m a couple days late to the 2020 wrap-up post party but better late than never I guess! I’ve also added some of my goals for next year. I hope you enjoy this reading wrap-up and happy new year!

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Book Recommendations Based on My Mug Collection

Yes, you read that right. I’m going to give you eight book recommendations based on my mugs! I got the idea for this post from Olivia’s video Recommending Books Based on My Mug Collection on her YouTube channel Olivia’s Catastrophe, so full credit to her for the amazing idea. Be sure to check her out there and follow her on Instagram too! I thought this would be a great post to follow up on my April post about book and tea pairings, so I hope you enjoy!

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