From The Library: October/November Edition

Welcome back to another edition of From the Library! Now that it is officially fall (my favourite season!!) and spooky season is here, I am so excited to get into reading some murder mysteries and horror books! So, today I thought I would share a few of my recent favourite spooky reads from the past couple of years! I hope you enjoy this edition of From the Library!

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From The Library: August/September Edition

Welcome back to another edition of From the Library, where I share some older (or sometimes newer) books from my review archives! This month, even though September and the start of school are nearing, I wanted to share some amazing summer reads! These are all set in the summer and perfect for reading on a hot day on vacation or at home.

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From The Library: June/July Edition

Welcome back to another edition of From the Library, where I share some of my old favourite book reviews from my archives! This month is, of course, pride month, so I chose some of my favourite books with LGBTQ+ characters by LGBTQ+ authors to share today! These are all a little more recent, and I’ve read them all in about the last year or so, and they’re all fantastic! I’ve also listed what LGBTQ+ representation in main characters and side characters each book has at the bottom of each summary too. I hope you enjoy this edition of From the Library!

Continue reading From The Library: June/July Edition

From The Library: April/May Edition

Welcome back to another edition of From the Library, where I share some old book reviews from my archive. Since spring is officially here, and I think of spring as an uplifting time, especially with all the flowers starting to bloom, the warmer weather and the longer days where I live, I wanted to choose some uplifting books that remind me of spring. So without further ado, please enjoy this edition of From the Library!

Continue reading From The Library: April/May Edition

From the Library: April/May Edition

Recently, I’ve decided that rather than doing a Middle Grade Monday and a Teen Tuesday post the first week of every month, I would combine the two into one bimonthly feature post: From the Library. This will be posted on the first Friday of every second month. So for this month, I chose these fantasy books because in this difficult time we all need a little distraction from reality. Enjoy the first edition of From the Library!

Continue reading From the Library: April/May Edition