Book Recommendations Based on Random Colours

Hi there and welcome back to Sidbookreviews! Today I thought I’d do another “recommendations based on unconventional things” post as a follow-up to my recommending books based on mugs post! This post is inspired by those “what colour is your personality” quizzes, and I thought it would be so fun to do something similar for books. All of these colours were randomly generated by a random colour picker, and then I chose books that I thought matched the vibe of the colour. I did not intentionally choose books with similar colours on their covers, I went based solely on the feel of the story, but some of them do happen to match up!

Continue reading Book Recommendations Based on Random Colours

Seven Young Adult Books Set in New York City

I don’t know about you, but New York City is one of my all-time favourite settings for books! I’ve always been a city person, and there’s nothing I love more than reading about characters’ adventures in a big city. There are so many great books set in NYC, but I wanted to share a few of my favourites, more specifically my favourite young adult ones!

Continue reading Seven Young Adult Books Set in New York City

Book Recommendations Based on My Mug Collection

Yes, you read that right. I’m going to give you eight book recommendations based on my mugs! I got the idea for this post from Olivia’s video Recommending Books Based on My Mug Collection on her YouTube channel Olivia’s Catastrophe, so full credit to her for the amazing idea. Be sure to check her out there and follow her on Instagram too! I thought this would be a great post to follow up on my April post about book and tea pairings, so I hope you enjoy!

Continue reading Book Recommendations Based on My Mug Collection

Popular/Hyped Books: Are They Worth Your Time?

*This blog post has been edited to remove HP related content and references, as I no longer support JKR*

I’ve always found that, at least for me, my favourite books haven’t been particularly well-known. I’ve also read a fair amount of very popular and hyped (some might say over-hyped) books. Some of them have let me down. Now of course, on my blog I only write positive book reviews, because I don’t find negative ones very helpful or productive, because what I like isn’t necessarily the same as what another reader likes. But, for today I’m going to list ten popular books that I think are worth your time, and two that I wish I’d skipped.

Continue reading Popular/Hyped Books: Are They Worth Your Time?

Book and Tea Pairings For the Tea-Loving Reader

If you’re reading this, odds are you like to read. And if you also happen to love tea, this post is for you. I am constantly drinking tea (I am drinking tea as I write this), and it is one of my favourite things aside from my cats and books. So, I decided to combine my passions for tea and books into one book and tea pairing list!

Continue reading Book and Tea Pairings For the Tea-Loving Reader