Middle Grade Monday: February/March Edition

Welcome back! For this edition of Middle Grade Monday, there really isn’t a theme or central idea connecting the featured books, so just enjoy these fantastic books. I hope you enjoy!

Continue reading Middle Grade Monday: February/March Edition

Middle Grade Monday: June/July Edition

Welcome back to Sidbookreviews! For this edition, I’ve chosen books by Canadian authors in celebration of Canada day on July 1st🇨🇦. One of the books also features LGBTQ+ characters, which I choose to celebrate pride month🏳️‍🌈! I hope you enjoy.

Continue reading Middle Grade Monday: June/July Edition


*Please be aware that I no longer support or promote Jay Kristoff or his books. He is a problematic author who has culturally appropriated from various Asian and Pacific Islander cultures and communities. However, I am leaving this review up for transparency, and should you still wish to read his books, I encourage you to purchase them used to avoid directly supporting him financially.*


Kady was not expecting bombs to start dropping mere hours after her breakup with Ezra. Really, she thought the worst that could happen was some difficult emotions. She never expected to be on a spaceship full of refugees fleeing her home.

Continue reading Illuminae



Ethan is just trying to get through the school year. With his constantly tired, down on his luck comic book illustrator father, at times frustrating younger sister and classmates throwing more at Ethan than he can handle, Ethan really needs a friend. Inkling is a blot of ink, somehow magically gifted with Ethan’s father’s creativity.

Continue reading Inkling