A Skinful of Shadows Book Review


Makepeace has a spirit inside of her. For years she’s been taught to wrestle and fight off the spirits of the dead who see her as an easily inhabitable shell, but she unknowingly took in the ghost of a mistreated bear when she found it dead in the marsh near her small village. After her mother’s death (which she feels responsible for), Makepeace is sent to live with her late father’s wealthy and influential family, the Fellemottes.

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Cuckoo Song Book Review


Triss knows as soon as she wakes up after a terrible accident involving the Grimmer, a pond once used to drown witches, that something is different and wrong. She can’t remember certain things and she is always hungry no matter how much she eats. As confused Triss tries to make sense of everything, she begins to see and hear things no one else can. Triss’s dolls come to life in her hands, screaming that they don’t belong to her. And the frightening dolls are only the start of it!

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The Night Gardener Book Review


Molly, a young girl with a gift for storytelling and her younger brother Kip have fled Ireland in search of a new life in England. Since their parents’ death, Molly has been searching for work. But when a job finally opens up, strange things start happening. On the way to Molly’s new job, an old woman warns Molly to be careful of the Sourwoods, the forest that surrounds the Windsor house, where Molly has been hired as a maid.

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