Bad Magic

Clay is an ordinary sixth grader, whose brother ran away two years ago. Since then Clay has thought of magic as a joke. That is until the words from Clay’s journal mysteriously appear on his language arts teacher’s classroom wall. For this graffiti, Clay is suspended and sent to a mysterious camp for struggling youths. Clay expects to find a regular summer camp on Price island, but instead he finds an active volcano, SOS signals, deadly bees and most alarming of all, an abandoned library that is said to be haunted. Soon Clay has more questions than he can answer, and it looks like this camp is more dangerous than it seems.

One of the things I enjoyed about this book is that you get to know the author while you’re reading the book. In this case the author added notes at the bottom of some pages. I also like how the book Bad Magic has lots of mysterious characters and secrets mixed into the plot. This book would also be a great read for anyone who liked reading The Secret Series, which is also written by Pseudonymous Bosch.


  • ages 9 and up
  • author: Pseudonymous Bosch
  • 382 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy for $10.80 at


Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City Book Review


Ananka thinks her life is just too boring. That is, until she explores a sinkhole by her apartment in Manhattan. At the bottom of the mysterious sinkhole Ananka discovers a secret maze of tunnels and hidden underground rooms. 

Continue reading Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City Book Review

The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency: The Case of the Missing Moonstone Book Review


Meet Ada Byron, an eleven-year-old genius. Ada Byron is angry about the fact that a new tutor is coming to teach her and another girl her age. In her opinion, she doesn’t need anyone to teach her because she’s a genius. Mary Godwin, however, is delighted when she finds out that she will be taught with ‘lady’ Ada.

Continue reading The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency: The Case of the Missing Moonstone Book Review

Under the Egg


Theodora Tenpenny’s life changes forever when her grandfather Jack is killed in an accident, leaving Theo to care for her frail mother and look after the house. But, soon Theo discovers a hidden painting that appears to be a masterpiece painted by a master painter. Theo knows that she should be excited, except there is one detail that concerns her: Theo’s grandfather Jack used to work at an art gallery. But not just any art gallery, the metropolitan museum of art. So, working with her new friend Bodhi Theo starts out on a mission to sole the mystery of the hidden painting.

One of the reasons I liked the book Under the Egg is because it had references to art in it. I also liked the fact that Theo has to figure out all sorts of clues before she solves the mystery. This is a good book choice for anyone who likes art.


  • ages 9 and up
  • author: Laura Marx Fitzgerald
  • 243 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy for $7.99 at

Ruby Redfort


Ruby Redfort has always been smart. One day Ruby finds a clue, leading to some unknown spy agency.  After following a series of puzzling clues Ruby is recruited into a the top-secret agency for spies. The agency leader is reluctant to let a child join the agency, but somehow Ruby ends up being the one who solves the mystery.


I think Ruby Redfort is one of the best spy-mystery books I have read. Ruby Redfort is packed with action, cool gadgets and dangerous moments. With so many strong characters and a clever plot Ruby Redfort quickly became one of my favourite books.


  • ages 9 and up
  • author: Lauren Child
  • 383 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy for $10.79 at

Ruby Redfort book


The Princess Curse


The twelve princesses suffer from a puzzling,mysterious and downright silly curse. Reveka is the herbalist’s apprentice at the castle. But, when starts trying to break the curse and win the reward she discover’s that the curse is far more serious than she thought. Soon Reveka is at risk of losing everything. As Reveka investigates things be come more complicated than she ever dreamed and she is pulled deeper into the mystery.


The Princess Curse offers an intriguing plot with many exciting twists and turns. Love, courage and loyalty are blended together to make this magical story. I could not stop reading about smart Reveka and her quest to break the curse.


  • age 9 and up
  • author: Merrie Haskell
  • 325 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy for $9.44 at


The Candymakers


Logan, Miles, Daisy and Philip are selected to compete in the national candymaking contest. Logan is the candymaker’s son, Daisy is actually a spy sent to do important work, Philip is only there to win the award and Miles is just there to have fun. Everything begins as planned, but soon all four kids are swept up in a complicated mystery!


A wonderful mystery with a touch of sugary Willy Wonka. I absolutely love the way that Wendy Mass has written the parts of her story. I find it very interesting to read the same event in different perspectives. Great for anybody who loves candy and mysteries.


  • age 8/9 and up
  • author: Wendy Mass
  • 453 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy for $12.14 at
