Six Dark and Spooky Favourites

Happy Halloween everyone! It’s spooky season, and I decided to make a list of some of my favourite spooky reads. Hopefully everyone will be able to find a book here that suits them, I’ve included a range of generes with that intent. I hope you enjoy!

Continue reading Six Dark and Spooky Favourites

The Hazel Wood Book Review


Alice’s seventeen years have been spent with her mother, Ella, jumping between homes, always running from the bad luck that seems to chase them everywhere. Then, out of the blue, Ella receives a mysterious letter informing her that her mother, the reclusive author of a book of dark fairy tales, Althea Proserpine, has died in her estate, The Hazel Wood. After that, Alice’s unnatural bad luck only gets worse.

Continue reading The Hazel Wood Book Review

Paper Towns


Quentin has lived beside the incredible Margo Roth Speigleman for almost his entire life, and he’s spent just about the same amount of time falling in love with her, while barely speaking to her at all. That all changes when Margo climbs through his bedroom window in the middle of the night to lead him on a strange and remarkably planned string of revenge plots. Quentin is on top of the world the next day, until he learns that Margo has disappeared, seemingly into thin air. But Quentin soon discovers that Margo left subtle clues where only he could find them. Quentin and his friends must now embark on an exciting journey to find Margo. But along the way elusive Margo begins to seem like a different girl than the one Quentin thought he knew.


Paper Towns is a exciting mystery with interesting characters and plot lines. I really love how the mystery of Margo’s clues plays out, it kept me glued to the page, and excited for what would happen next. I also love the touch of humor in this book, which keeps the story fun to read. Paper Towns will definitely be enjoyed by fans of John Green’s other books and modern mysteries. I hope you read and enjoy Paper Towns by John Green as much as I did!


  • Ages 13 and up
  • Author: John Green
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 305 pages
  • Buy for $14.99 at

Image result for paper towns

I am Princess X Book Review


When May was in grade five, she and her best friend Libby made up Princess X, a smart, cool princess who wears cherry red converse, a gold crown and fights with a shiny katana sword. But Princess X is gone. She disappeared when Libby died in an awful car accident. Three years after Libby’s death May returns to Seattle, stirring up memories of her time with Libby. One day she sees a cheap sticker in the corner of a window, with a shockingly familiar princess on it.

Continue reading I am Princess X Book Review

The Lie Tree Book Review


When Faith Sunderly’s family moves from Kent, England to the island of Vane, Faith knows there is a deeper reason for their move than the archaeological dig he has been requested to visit. Faith always knows more than she should, even though on the outside she is a proper young lady who behaves, Faith is always watching her surroundings and noticing certain things that others do not. So when Faith’s beloved father dies, she is certain that it was not an accident.

Continue reading The Lie Tree Book Review

Book Scavenger 


Emily Crane’s family has been on a quest to live in all fifty states ever since she was little. But for the first time in years Emily is actually excited to be moving. Emily’s family is moving to San Francisco, home of Garrison Griswold, creator of the Book Scavenger game. For years Book Scavenger has been the centre of Emily’s life and now her dream is finally coming true: moving to San Francisco, the home of Book Scavenger. Soon after the Cranes settle into their new apartment, Emily and the boy who lives just above her, James, find a mysterious copy of The Gold-Bug by Edgar Allan Poe, that they believe was published by Garrison Griswold as part of a new game he was going to announce before he was hospitalized. As Emily and James discover hidden clues in The Gold-Bug, they are thrust into a literary treasure hunt involving puzzles, codes and books.


Book Scavenger is an amazing novel with plenty of mysteries and puzzles. The interesting plot and characters grabbed me and made Book Scavanger a very entertaining read. I would highly recommend Book Scavenger to fans of Mr. Lemoncello’s Library  by Chris Grabenstein. I hope you like Book Scavenger as much as I did!


  • Ages 8/9 and up
  • Author: Jennifer Chambliss Bertman
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy for $8.76 at

When You Reach Me


Miranda lives a ordinary life with her mum in their small New York apartment. But strange things are happening. One day Miranda and her best friend Sal are walking home from school. Then Sal gets punched by a random teenager for no reason. Sal suddenly stops talking to Miranda. The hidden key to Miranda’s apartment is stolen. Then, strangest of all, Miranda receives a perplexing note that seems to say that someone needs her help saving her friend’s life. At first Miranda thinks that it must be a joke of some sort, but the notes keep coming. Soon Miranda realizes that the author of the notes knows things that nobody can possibly know. One final note causes Miranda to believe that she is too late to prevent the death of one of her friends.


When You Reach Me is a thoughtful book with plenty of mystery. I enjoyed it because of the interesting characters and the intriguing plot. When You Reach Me is a fantastic novel because of the tweaked reality where it is set. Even though the story takes place in modern New York, there are some seemingly impossible ideas (such as time travel) mentioned. I would recommend When You Reach Me to readers who enjoyed Pieces and Players by Blue Balliet, or anyone who enjoys a good mystery novel.


  • Ages 9 and up
  • Author: Rebecca Stead
  • 197 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • John Newbery Award gold medal winner
  • Buy for $10.79 at