Sheets Book Review


Marjorie Glatt is fading away. The stress of running her family’s laundromat entirely by herself, fending off a sleazy businessman, grieving the loss of her mother and navigating the trials of middle school is too much for one thirteen-year-old girl.

Wendell, on the other hand, is a ghost. Purposeless and lonely in the Land of Ghosts, Wendell is intrigued by the land of the living, particularly a certain laundromat.

As things get desperate for Marjorie and her family, she’ll need the help of an unexpected ghostly ally to save the day.


Sheets is a wonderful graphic novel that expertly tackles themes of grief, death, loneliness, friendship and resilience. The art style is so detailed and absolutely gorgeous, and the use of vibrant colours really brought the setting and emotions of the story to life. The story as a whole is bittersweet, as it deals with heavy topics around death, grief and depression and is quite bleak for the first half or so. However, it will still manage to put a smile on your face by the end, as Wendell and Marjorie’s friendship is so wholesome, and the two make a very loveable duo. I also loved the unique characters, setting, and plot, and the world-building of the Land of Ghosts was quite well done. Overall, Sheets is a lovely feel-good read about grief and friendship that will tug at your heartstrings while being visually stunning.


  • Ages 10 and up
  • Author: Brenna Thummler
  • 239 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy local via IndieBound

Until next time,