When Life Gives You Mangos Book Review


Clara doesn’t remember what happened last summer. All she knows is that there was a storm, and before last summer she wasn’t afraid of the water. Clara used to love her summers with the other kids in her small village, when she spent her days surfing, playing games on the hill and the beach and eating mangos. But now everything is different. There’s a new girl in town, her best friend Gaynah hates her, and she can’t bear to go to the beach, let alone into the water.

As Clara’s feud with Gaynah deepens, her memories of the previous summer start to come back in brief flashes, and Clara begins probing deeper with hopes of unearthing the events of last summer and the secrets everyone in town seems to be hiding, all while growing her friendship with the new girl, Rudy.


When Life Gives You Mangos is an absolutely lovely middle grade read with themes of family, community, friendship and grief. I listened to this book as an audiobook, which I liked, but I think it would be equally enjoyable in a text format. I loved the small Jamaican town setting, and I think it suited the story perfectly, especially as the town is filled with gossip and drama! The ending of this book is poignant and uplifting, which made for an excellent resolution to the story, which is touched by some dark moments. However, my favourite thing about this book is the slightly supernatural plot twist, which was completely unexpected and shocking! Overall this book is a super sweet atmospheric middle grade read that is equal parts sad and joyous, and will definitely stay with you long after you turn the final page.


  • Ages 9 and up
  • Author: Kereen Getten
  • 208 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy local via IndieBound

Until next time,