Her Royal Highness Book Review


After being dumped by her kind-of-not-really-girlfriend, Millie decides to take the plunge and accept her scholarship to the prestigious Scottish boarding school of her dreams, and spend her senior year of high school in the highlands. However, upon arrival, the high-class world that awaits Millie is more than she ever anticipated. Especially because her roommate is the princess of Scotland.

Millie and Princess Flora do not exactly get along, but as the school year progresses, they seem to be becoming friends, and maybe even something more. But they come from completely different worlds, and nothing could’ve possibly prepared Millie for dating an actual princess.


Her Royal Highness was everything I wanted it to be and more! There was so much that I loved in this book! The romance is swoon-worthy and infused with just the right amount of royal drama, and the Scottish boarding school setting is the perfect backdrop for the whole story. Millie and Flora’s romance is the enemies to lovers/hate to love trope done the right way, and I really enjoyed their dynamic and their romantic story arc. I also loved the characters, in particular Millie’s friends, Saks and Perry, who bridge the gap between Millie’s world and the high-class royal one where most of the book takes place. I personally love stories with a little royal flair, and this romance was irresistibly cute and fun. I definitely recommend this to fans of Aminah Mae Safi’s Tell Me How You Really Feel, or to anyone looking for a charming, lighthearted and sweet queer romance!


  • Ages 13 and up
  • Author: Rachel Hawkins
  • 274 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
  • Buy local via IndieBound

Until next time,