2020 Reading Wrap-Up

2020 has been a crazy year… and I’ve read more books than ever before and started my bookstagram account! So I have a lot of fun stuff to reflect on in this post, from reading stats to favourite reads. And I am aware that I’m a couple days late to the 2020 wrap-up post party but better late than never I guess! I’ve also added some of my goals for next year. I hope you enjoy this reading wrap-up and happy new year!

So just for a quick overview and some context: my Goodreads reading goal this year was originally 40 books, but I upped it to 50 halfway through the year. I ended up beating it, and I read a total of 53 books in 2020. I’m very happy with my reading progress in 2020, as I read more books this year than I have any other, and I read more diversely than any other year, which I hope to continue improving on in 2021. Also, I think it’s important to note that although this is a YA based blog, not all of the books I’m going to mention in this post are YA or necessarily appropriate for younger teens.

Reading Stats

First off, I love seeing graphs and my reading stats for the year, so I thought I would share them with you! Some of these are from Goodreads, but most of these I calculated myself.

What star ratings were my reads this year?

As you probably know, I only post positive reviews on here, and it’s pretty much the same on Goodreads. I do a lot of research before reading a book so that I’m sure it’s something I’m interested in, and I usually DNF if I’m not enjoying a book and don’t rate it. I’m also a big softie when it comes to ratings and I totally lucked out with so many awesome reads in 2020, so for all of these reasons I only had, 4 star, 5 star and 4.5 star reviews this year! My average rating on Goodreads (which does not account for half stars) this year was 4.6.

What book formats did I read?

This year I read mainly physical books, but my ebooks and audiobooks have started making up an even larger portion of my reading material than ever! I started reading audiobooks from my library regularly for the first time, and it has been a game-changer for me when it comes to squeezing in more reading time. I’ve also increased my ebook reading this year, which has been super convenient for filling up little pockets of time when I’m out of the house.

How much fiction and nonfiction did I read?

This probably surprised absolutely no one who knows me, I don’t read a lot of nonfiction, but I did actually read a lot more nonfiction this year than I did last year! I am hoping to continue to read more and more nonfiction next year, although the majority of my reads will probably stay fiction.

What was the intended audience of my reads?

I mainly read YA, and that’s obviously the focus of this blog as well, so it’s no surprise that’s what makes up most of my reading. This year I did read more adult books than I have before, so we’ll see if that pattern continues in the new year.

What genres did I read?

This was kind of hard to calculate, so for books that fit into multiple categories, I just went with the genre that made up most of the storyline. Fantasy and sci-fi were my least read genres this year, with only one book in each category. And of course romance and contemporary were my most read categories (there was a lot of overlap between these two, so it was a bit of a tossup for deciding which genre to place them under). I also read quite a bit of mystery, and some of my favourite books this year were YA mysteries. Overall there was quite a bit of variety in my reading this year!

Where did my books come from?

I used the e-library so much this year! I also bought several books this summer, and what with being home all the time due to COVID-19, I also got through quite a lot of physical books that I already owned. I rarely borrow physical books from the library anymore, so most of my library reading was audiobooks and ebooks.

What types of content did my books have?

As usual, the main medium for the books I read was just typical prose in full-length books, but I expanded my reading content this year by reading a lot more short stories, poetry and graphic novels than I usually did. I particularly enjoyed the poetry and novels in verse I read this year (Clap When You LandOther Words For Home and Punching the Air).

Favourite Reads of 2020

I had so many great reads this year, and so many five star reads, it’s so hard to choose my favourites! I’ve narrowed it down to ten though. So here are my favourite reads of 2020. All the covers link to my review on this blog or Goodreads if I’ve done one.

My Top Ten Favourites

It was so hard to choose just ten to put here, and there are so many other books I could include in my favourites of 2020, but here are some of my favourite reads of the year that I absolutely loved.

Surprise Favourites

This year I was also surprised by some books I wasn’t sure I would love and I found some great authors that I’ve never read before! All three of these were books that I read practically on a whim, having never read the author before.

Important Must-Reads

I read a lot of wonderful books this year, but some of them stuck out to me as books that were very important and special that I think everyone should read at some point, so I decided to show you my five must-reads for that I read in 2020.

Best Nonfiction Reads

I read more nonfiction than usual this year, and I’m trying to start reading more nonfiction in general, so here are some of my favourite nonfiction reads from 2020 for anyone looking for interesting, informative and important nonfiction to read in the new year.

There are, of course, so many awesome reads from this year that I didn’t have time to mention here, so feel free to check out my entire 2020 year in books on Goodreads here.

Goals for 2021

Lastly, I just wanted to share some of my reading goals for the new year!

  1. Read 60 books in 2021
    • I am hoping to up this year’s reading by seven books in 2021!
  2. Read more books by trans and non-binary authors
    • This is one of the areas I felt I was lacking in this year, so I want to read more trans and non-binary stories in 2021.
  3. Read more books by Indigenous authors
    • Another area I don’t think I read enough of in 2020 is Indigenous lit, so I want to fix that in 2021.

That’s all for today, happy new year to all, and I hope you enjoyed this reading wrap-up.

Until next time,