From The Library: October/November Edition

Welcome back to another edition of From the Library! Since October is officially spooky season, and Halloween is just around the corner, I thought I’d pick three creepy favourites to feature this month!

The Last Gargoyle by Paul Durham

I’ve talked about The Last Gargoyle before on From the Library, but it’s such a fantastic read, I thought I’d feature it again! This middle grade book is the perfect blend of humour and spookiness! You can read my review of The Last Gargoyle here and my interview with Paul Durham here!

Through the Woods by Emily Carroll

Through the Woods is one of my absolute favourite horror books. It’s a graphic novel with absolutely stunning illustrations that depict dark and spine-chilling stories. I can’t recommend this book enough to horror fans! Find my full review here.

The Agony House by Cherie Priest

If your brand of horror is more along the lines of a classic haunted house mystery, look no further than The Agony House! This book expertly blends illustrations and text into a fast-paced mystery filled with loveable characters! Read my full review of The Agony House here.

I hope you enjoyed this edition of From the Library and found a spooky read to enjoy this Halloween season!

Until next time,