Other Words For Home Book Review


Syrian tween Jude dreams of being a famous movie star like Julia Roberts. She loves her family and her village in Syria, but as civil unrest and rebellion spreads throughout the country, she must flee to America with her mother, leaving her father and brother behind.

Living in America with her uncle and his family, Jude will discover an entirely new world of experiences. She must make new friends and deal with growing up and missing her home across the ocean. But most importantly, Jude must find her courage and use her voice.


Other Words For Home is a warm and powerful book full of love and heart. I read this book in audiobook format, which I quite enjoyed. Jasmine Warga’s characters leapt off the page (or recording in my case) and inspired me with their courage and hope. Themes of family, love, home and hope are very strong in this book. I think that Jasmine Warga’s poetry does an excellent job of conveying these emotions and themes in an impactful way. This book truly just makes your heart feel full. I’d recommend Other Words For Home to readers who enjoy touching and poignant middle grade stories.


  • Ages 10 and up
  • Author: Jasmine Warga
  • 342 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy local via IndieBound

Until next time,