

Ethan is just trying to get through the school year. With his constantly tired, down on his luck comic book illustrator father, at times frustrating younger sister and classmates throwing more at Ethan than he can handle, Ethan really needs a friend. Inkling is a blot of ink, somehow magically gifted with Ethan’s father’s creativity.

After escaping the pages of a notebook, Inkling might just be exactly what Ethan needs. Can Inkling help Ethan and bring his family together before they’re forced to face their problems?


Inkling is a touching story of family and friendship filled with humour and magic. Ethan and his family and friends are easily relatable, and when combined Inkling’s intriguing, magical presence, make a compulsively readable story. With a graphic novel infused format, Kenneth Oppel’s latest work is sure to delight readers of all ages.


  • Ages 9 and up
  • Author: Kenneth Oppel
  • 272 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy for $17.99 here