A Skinful of Shadows Book Review


Makepeace has a spirit inside of her. For years she’s been taught to wrestle and fight off the spirits of the dead who see her as an easily inhabitable shell, but she unknowingly took in the ghost of a mistreated bear when she found it dead in the marsh near her small village. After her mother’s death (which she feels responsible for), Makepeace is sent to live with her late father’s wealthy and influential family, the Fellemottes.

At first, Makepeace isn’t sure why her mother was so desperate to keep her hidden from the Fellemotte family members, but after unearthing the Fellemotte’s dark secret, Makepeace must escape their nefarious clutches before she, her newfound half brother James and the bear spirit become pieces of the Fellemotte’s terrifying plan. But life isn’t easy on the run in a country divided by civil war. Every move Makepeace makes could land her back in the hands of the Fellemottes, possessed by evil spirits or dead. Does Makepeace have what it takes to survive?


A Skinful of Shadows is a dark and exciting read with elements of fantasy and danger. This book is amazing and it lives up to the high standard of writing that Frances Hardinge set with her last book, The Lie Tree and Cuckoo Song, another one of her triumphs. A Skinful of Shadows is wonderfully written, with rich descriptions that draw you into the book and captures the feel of the characters and setting. I hope you read and enjoy A Skinful of Shadows by Frances Hardinge as much as I did!


  • Ages 11 and up
  • Author: Frances Hardinge
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
  • 416 pages
  • Buy for $13.85 on Amazon.ca

Until next time,