A Face Like Glass Book Review


Neverfell has no memory of anything before the day when she arrived in cheese master Gradible’s tunnels at the age of about five or six. For seven years, Neverfell never left Grandible’s tunnels and wore a mask of black velvet whenever anyone came to visit. Neverfell’s face is incredible compared to those of the other citizens of Caverna, the sprawling underground city buried deep beneath the surface.

Babies in Caverna don’t show their emotions on their faces the way outsiders do. They must be painstakingly taught faces to show their feelings at a young age. But Neverfell’s face is different; it shows her every feeling, thought and emotion. Is Neverfell’s face a gift or a threat to her life? She’s about to find out on an incredible adventure through the strange and luxurious world of Caverna.


A Face Like Glass is a wonderfully written novel with rich descriptions, surprising plot twists and marvellous characters. Although some readers might find it a bit strange at first, A Face Like Glass is an intriguing and exciting read. Near the end of the book, I just couldn’t stop reading. Readers will enjoy the strange and enchanting world of Caverna and the complex characters. If you enjoy Alice in Wonderland type movies/books or other books by Frances Hardinge, you’ll probably love this book. I hope you enjoy A Face Like Glass as much as I did!


  • Ages 11 and up
  • Author: Frances Hardinge
  • 496 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy for $10.03 on Amazon.ca

Until next time,