The Lie Tree Book Review


When Faith Sunderly’s family moves from Kent, England to the island of Vane, Faith knows there is a deeper reason for their move than the archaeological dig he has been requested to visit. Faith always knows more than she should, even though on the outside she is a proper young lady who behaves, Faith is always watching her surroundings and noticing certain things that others do not. So when Faith’s beloved father dies, she is certain that it was not an accident.

As Faith secretly analyzes the clues to her father’s murder, she discovers a remarkable tree. If whispered lies, the tree will grow a fruit that, once eaten will reveal a hidden truth. As Faith tries to solve the mystery of her father’s murder, she spreads lies in hopes that the tree will reveal the solution. But lies can quickly grow out of control, and Faith’s fabrications may lead the murderer straight to her. 


The Lie Tree is an extraordinary mystery set in Victorian times when women were thought to be less intelligent than men. A few reasons why I loved The Lie Tree so much are the intriguing and suspenseful plot, the author’s style of writing and the fascinating idea of a tree that grows secrets. I think The Lie Tree is one of the best books I’ve read so far this year, and I highly recommend it.


  • Ages 12 and up
  • Author: Frances Hardinge
  • 377 pages
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Buy local via IndieBound

Until next time,