No Ordinary Day


Valli is a young Indian girl who lives with her aunt and uncle in the coal town Jharia. One day Valli finds out that her “aunt and uncle” are not actually her family and she runs away, hitching a ride in the back of a truck carrying coal out of Jharia. Eventually the drivers of the truck find out they have a stowaway and dump Valli in Kolkata. Valli begins living on the streets, borrowing things she needs and passing them on to someone who needs them more. Valli lives contentedly on the streets of Kolkata until a chance meeting with a doctor reveals to Valli that she has a disease called leprosy. Valli has always been terrified of the “monsters” with leprosy, so she rejects help and treatment and continues to live on the streets of Kolkata. But can Valli survive without treatment?


I really liked No Ordinary Day because it is inspiring and interesting. I also think that the characters in No Ordinary Day are very realistic and interesting. One last thing that I’d like to mention is that the author did a great job of creating an interesting storyline that makes you want to keep reading. I hope you enjoy No Ordinary Day as much as I did!


  • Ages 10 and up
  • Author: Deborah Ellis
  • 155 pages 
  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Governor General’s Litereary Awards winner
  • Buy for $9.95 at